Potential Unlocked: Pathways to a Life You Love 12-week coaching experience

Are you ready to… 

🤍Create a life you love without losing what you have now

🤍Feel safe and seen as you allow yourself to be who you really are

🤍Replace stress and busyness with relaxation and mindfulness – without sacrificing your success


Potential Unlocked: Pathways to a Life You Love is my brand new 12-week transformational 1on1 coaching container designed to guide and support you in letting go of limiting patterns that prevent you from experiencing the fulfilment you deserve.

You’ve been told that if you followed the rules you would be happy.

This is not what happened.

You feel empty even though you ‘have’ everything.

What you weren’t told is that fulfilment doesn’t come from following the rules.

Fulfilment comes from releasing your desires and creating your life accordingly.

But that doesn’t feel safe.

You feel you want more, you want different – but you’re afraid of losing what you have.

It’s normal to feel this way.


Potential Unlocked: Pathways to a Life You Love is designed to help you…

🤍Uncover your desires

🤍Create your vision

🤍Free yourself from limiting thoughts and patterns

🤍Identify your unique pathways

🤍Implement without fear


I understand the challenges and obstacles that can hinder your personal growth and prevent you from living a life you truly love because I have helped many women like you overcome and transform without sacrifice. 

After stepping away for a year to serve only my core clients and dive deep into my own personal growth, I am back with new teachings that I have distilled and made accessible in this brand new 12-week programme.

What makes the Potential Unlocked programme so unique is the holistic coaching approach. We delve deep into your emotional landscape, dissolve limiting mental patterns, work on your energetic blueprint and create a solid foundation of self-awareness and action without fear. 

My transformative techniques and personalised guidance will enable you to navigate your journey with clarity, confidence and purpose.

During this programme you’ll experience a profound shift in your mindset, relationships and overall wellbeing. We’ll work together to uncover your passions, align your life with your values and embrace your authentic self. Through powerful coaching sessions, transformational exercises and ongoing support, you’ll embark on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth that will set you on the path to a life you truly love.

Here’s what you can expect from the Potential Unlocked programme

Dissolve limiting patterns

Say goodbye to the self-doubt, fear and limiting beliefs that have been holding you back. I’ll personally guide you in identifying and releasing these patterns so you can step into your power and embrace new possibilities.

Cultivate self-awareness

Gain a deep understanding of your emotions, needs and desires. Develop emotional intelligence and learn effective strategies for meeting challenges with grace and resilience.

Create a personal vision

Together we’ll discover your true passions and aspirations. You’ll gain clarity about your life’s purpose and create a vision that aligns with your authentic self and serves as a compass for your journey.

Overcome fear of implementation

We’ll address your fears and doubts about taking action and making meaningful change. You’ll develop strategies to overcome obstacles and step into your potential with confidence.

Transforming relationships

Explore how your relationships affect your growth and well-being. Learn effective communication techniques, set healthy boundaries and cultivate deep connections that nurture your personal and professional life.

When you join the Potential Unlocked programme, you’re investing in your personal growth and creating a life you love. My holistic coaching style, combined with your commitment and dedication, will lead to profound change. Now is the time to unlock your potential and embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment.

Are you ready to take the first step towards a life of purpose, joy and fulfilment?

Secure your spot on the Potential Unlocked programme today and open the doors to a life you love without sacrifices.

Click here to register for Potential Unlocked: Pathways to a Life You Love programme now and embrace your true potential.


How does coaching work with you?

Coaching focuses on your individual process. Sessions take place online or over the phone and all you need is an internet (or phone) connection and a quiet space.

In the first session we reflect together on your current position, your goals and your obstacles. In the following sessions you will learn how to use the Flow Process to clearly identify and realise your potential, desires, needs and goals.

You will also learn how to become aware of and change patterns, emotions and habits that are holding you back. It is important that you have time and space for yourself during the sessions as hidden emotions and patterns are often released. It is best to have a notebook and something to drink with you.

Do I need to do any special preparation before the coaching starts?

You will be given a questionnaire to complete prior to the coaching session, but you do not need to make any special preparations.

How often do coaching sessions take place?

Coaching sessions are typically held every 1-3 weeks, but may be less frequent during the course depending on individual needs.

How long does a session take?

A session usually lasts 45 – 60 minutes.

How long does the coaching process usually last?

Experience shows that the coaching process lasts 6-12 months, but can vary depending on the individual situation.

What happens if my goals or needs change during the coaching process?

Goals and needs can change at any time. I support you to find your own answers and change direction in a way that makes you feel safe and empowered.

Can coaching be combined with other internal or external services?

Yes, coaching can be combined with any in-house or external offering, as long as it feels right for the client.

What is the difference between coaching and therapy?

Coaching and therapy differ in their objectives and approach. While therapy usually aims to treat mental illness and deeper emotional challenges, coaching focuses on helping people identify and achieve their personal and professional goals.

However, as an experienced coach with professional medical experience and training, I can also address aspects of emotional healing in the coaching process. This can include helping people to understand their past, identify traumatic experiences and overcome negative patterns in order to improve their current situation. I can also, to some extent, assist in overcoming emotional challenges by helping people to understand, neutralise and overcome them.

It is important to note that coaching is not a substitute for professional therapeutic treatment for mental illness. If you have specific therapeutic needs, it is recommended that you consult a qualified therapist. Nevertheless, coaching can be a valuable complement to therapeutic approaches to promote personal development and growth.

What does coaching cost?

I currently offer two options to suit different needs: the subscription format and premium packages.

Premium Packages are ideal if you want an intensive coaching experience. You have a guaranteed weekly slot for coaching sessions and can also benefit from the included AUNDA Healings, Guided Healing Journeys and Messenger Support. However, the capacity for Premium Packages is limited to a maximum of six.

Pricing Packages:

3 Month Premium: USD 4500
6 Month Premium: USD 8400
9 Month Premium: USD 11.500

Payment in monthly instalments possible.

 Book Premium Packages HERE.

Alternatively, there is the option of Coaching subscriptions. You book 5, 10 or 15 sessions and can use them at your own pace. Prices are staggered and start at USD 775 for 5 sessions. All prices are in USD and the subscription is valid for 12 months. Please note that the sale of subscriptions is only possible for as long as the slots are not filled with premium packages. After that you can join the waiting list.

Pricing Subscriptions:

5 Session Subscription: USD 800
10 Session Subscription: USD 1550
15 Session Subscription: USD 2250

 Book Coaching Subscriptions HERE.


If you would like to know more about prices and options, please contact us.

How do I pay for coaching?

Payment can be made by bank transfer, credit card or PayPal. Payments must be received at least 24 hours prior to the coaching session.

If you have any difficulties with payment, please contact us.

Are there any perks?

Yes, there are!

Premium Packages include all Healings, Healing Journeys and Messenger Support.

Subscribers benefit from special prices for AUNDA Healings and Guided Healing Journeys: USD 140 (normally 160)


What if I need to cancel or postpone a session?

Sessions can be cancelled or postponed up to 24 hours before the appointment. However, also within 24 hours in case of illness or other important reasons.

What happens if I cannot finish my subscription or package?

Subscriptions and packages can only be cancelled, suspended or extended in exceptional circumstances and at the discretion of the coach. Please be aware of the commitment you are making before you start coaching.

However, if something unforeseen does happen, a solution can usually always be found that suits both parties, and the 12 month subscription period gives you plenty of time and space to work at your own pace.

What languages can coaching be conducted in?

Coaching is available in both English and German. You can find the German website here: https://lindamartinez.ch/.

Any other questions?

If you have any further questions, please feel free to use the contact form or send an email to support@lindamartinez.co.


“Linda is a great coach and has an impressive way with people. Within a short period of time, she has helped me to get to know myself better, to be more considerate of my needs, to be happier with myself and my surroundings.

It is super exciting what she teases out of you, through very specific questions.

Tears flow too, of course, but in a healing way.

Thank you so much for your super support.

I highly recommend it to everyone.”


“During the second corona wave, the virus caught me and my body gave me clear signals that I had recently exceeded all limits.

That’s how Linda came into my life and to this day I am infinitely grateful. She asked me the right questions, listened to me, didn’t judge and responded to how I was feeling. She changed my way of thinking. In the weekly Zoom calls, we talked about whatever was on my mind. Sometimes very obvious topics were discussed and sometimes very unexpected feelings were uncovered. I learned to listen to myself, my feelings and my intuition.
I have since made decisions completely differently than I would have before. After just under a year with Linda, I am living a more fulfilling life that suits me. Even though I miss our calls, I got the necessary tools from her to overcome challenging situations.
Thank you dear Linda!”


“I’ve been working with Linda for over a year now and she helped me to reflect on my attitude, beliefs and behavior.

She’s very empathetic and understanding and doing a great job at guiding me to discover my underlying issues and opportunities to grow and the power that lies within me.”

Highly recommend working with her!”


“Best decision ever to have integrated Linda’s coaching into my life!

Through Linda and her work, in a short time many (private, physical, professional), over years entrenched problems “dissolved” and this permanently and so effortlessly!

I have learned to detach myself from old, rigid patterns and trust myself more and more to really live my visions and dreams. Linda helps and supports you optimally in her calm and authentic way. Dare yourself!

It’s worth it and you will be amazed at what you have in you!”


“Linda is not only a fantastic coach but she is a wonderful person as well.

She talks the talk and she walks the walk.

She has taught me the importance of prioritizing my own happiness and helped me to keep my head above water during a very dark time.

I give her my highest recommendation and at least 10 stars!”


“I can highly recommend Linda.

She is very empathetic, always finds the right words and above all she finds the words you need to hear to get ahead in life.

She has helped me to get a lot further in life.”


“Linda puts her whole heart into it, when it comes to uncovering hidden patterns and beliefs that can be a hurdle in your development.

She knows how to stand by herself out of deepest love and to recognize who or what is good for you.

She scores with her direct manner, because she does not hold back with the truth. Self-knowledge is a key concept.”


“Thank you Linda for everything you’ve done for me!

Linda is a great coach that guides you step by step to reach your goals.

I would totally recommend her – especially as a dating and life coach.”


“The work that Linda does is amazing! Before our first session I was feeling very blocked energetically and was stuck in a financial pattern that was keeping me in lack mentality.

The results seemed to be almost instant as shortly after I felt a wave of inspiration to create a group coaching program which I am so proud of!

Linda’s gentle encouragement and powerful coaching prompted me to do the deeper work which has led to me healing my scarcity trauma and learning to embody true abundance!

I am so grateful to have met such a powerful healer and would recommend her to everyone.”


“Thank you Linda!

It was so delightful to surf my fifth dimensional vision wave.

I had to smile and was very surprised at how natural all of this actually is, since it’s already there and ready to go.”


“I had the most amazing experience when Linda did a session on me.

I have been feeling chaotic for the last few years, therefore I was unable to feel connected during meditation or to achieve a deeper sense of relaxation whatever I did, but after this session I felt I had reached my inner calm space again.

Thank you so much Linda!”


“Linda helped me overcome and deal with my hurdles with her empathetic and warm manner.

I would go again and again.”


“I had the opportunity to have a healing session with Linda and it was amazing! It was lead specific to my needs intuitively.

I have a block of energy in my neck that I have been working on for a while and she was able to help release some of that in the session which was incredible!”


“Linda has such a lovely, open, kind energy and I felt comfortable straight away. She helped me tune in to what I was feeling and gave me the space to acknowledge and feel it. She guided me to use my intuition when making a decision which is a technique I can now use anytime I am feeling stuck.

We also did some energy clearing sessions and it was really interesting to see what came up as there were a lot of things that resonated during that time for me. Linda has a natural talent for picking up on energy and I’m grateful for the time we have worked together as I have taken a lot from it.

Thanks Linda!”